by Thomas V. Bennett
The Legislature imposed gentrification in the rough and tumble world of commerce through the adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code in 1957 which imposes a certain code of conduct between business people and consumers and through M.G.L.A. c. 93A, the so-called "Mini FTC Act" which makes unfair and deceptive trade practices unlawful in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts adopted in 1967.
Against that backdrop of
legislative conduct corrections, the laws dealing with the sale of real estate
have been largely unchanged until now.
The Supreme Judicial
Court in deciding a case of first impression,* held that the sale of a new home
by a builder-vendor has an implied warranty of habitability, a concept that has
been present in the Uniform Commercial Code, with respect to the sale of
products, since its adoption.
The scope of the implied
warranty of habitability that attaches to the sale of new homes by a
builder-vendor is to be determined on a case-by-case basis as to whether or not
the home is unsafe because it deviates from fundamental aspects of applicable
building codes or is structurally unsound or fails to keep out elements because
of defects in construction. The Court further found that the implied warranty
of habitability is collateral to the covenant to convey and survives the
passing of title and the taking of possession of real estate and it cannot be
waived or disclaimed because to permit a disclaimer of the warranty protecting
the purchaser from the consequences of latent defects would defeat the very
purpose of the warranty.
At first blush this case
may seem to cover basic flaws things like the plumbing not working; however,
the suit, in fact, involved a home which had eleven fireplaces. The purchasers
of the home had an express warranty but it expired after one year. The owners
never used the fireplaces but found out, some three years after they had
purchased the house, that the fireplaces were defective.
The Court surveyed cases
of other jurisdictions in the country and determined there were a number of
important policy considerations that had led other jurisdictions to adopt the
type of implied warranty that the Court adopted in this case, including those
policy considerations set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code. In order to
establish a claim for breach of the implied warranty of habitability, a
plaintiff would have to demonstrate that
1. they purchased a new
home from the defendant builder-vendor;
2. the house contained a latent defect;
3. the defect manifested itself only after purchase;
4. the defect was caused by the builder's improper design, material or workmanship, and
5. the defect created a substantial question of safety or made the house unfit for human habitation.
2. the house contained a latent defect;
3. the defect manifested itself only after purchase;
4. the defect was caused by the builder's improper design, material or workmanship, and
5. the defect created a substantial question of safety or made the house unfit for human habitation.
In addition, the Court
found that the claim must be made within the three-year statute of limitation
and the six-year statute of repose set forth in M.G.L.A.c.260,§2B which
provides, in pertinent part, that the action must be brought within three years
next after the action accrues provided in no event should such actions be
commenced more than six years after the earlier of the dates of (1) the opening
of the improvement to use or (2) substantial completion of the improvement and
the taking of possession for occupancy by the owner.
Since buying a simple
appliance or electronic device carries warranties and implied warranties of
merchantability, certainly this case is a major step for consumers whose home
is generally the largest single purchase they will make in their lifetime.
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